Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Building a learning bridge....

I don’t want to be just another blogger, but my whole life has been experiences that connect me to my future - the bridge2 blog is just that for me.  After being an education executive for many years I have learned that my personal, educational and professional life have consisted of bridges that span and provided me passage to the next point in my life.  I have pursued a career in education driven by that need for a mission and love of connecting and engaging students.   The need to prepare students with the proper knowledge, skills and experience to make critical decisions after high school or college is lacking in today’s society – evident in the high school drop out rate and the number of students unprepared for college and/or career.   How do we bridge this gap to the digitally minded students and enable them to find their passion.  Join me as I think hard about this issue and look to discuss what is working? Whats not? And what is next……